Oct 19, 2023
In recent days, the New Zealand Government has announced a wide range of changes relating to the country’s workforce and immigration pathways. This news will be beneficial for you if you are planning to study, work, or live here. Let’s find out more about these policies and immigration laws in this news ahead.
Green List Updated: 17 New Roles Added - After a targeted review meeting done by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), 17 new roles will be added to the Green List from March 2024. The government will release more information about these roles pertaining to their specific requirements and the specific residence pathway shortly.
Work to Residence Visas is now open for Applications - Effective from 29 September 2023, the work to residence visas is now open for visa applications. This implies for existing occupations on the Green List who have had 2 years of eligible work experience in the relevant skills and wage thresholds. Furthermore, the visa applicant must adhere to the other standard visa application requirements such as age, health, character, and English language.
These are some of the significant updates you must know about if you plan to live or study in New Zealand. If you have any questions about studying here or require expert guidance, then please visit us at KC Overseas. Our study abroad counsellors will guide you through the process of studying in New Zealand.